Thursday, February 12, 2009


Last class on Tuesday was interesting. I liked how we sat in a circle, it was easier to see my classmates. When i look at someone when they are speaking I feel like i can understand what they are talking about more, so that was easier as well. I was nervous being one of the two people to sit next to you Professor Lauro. I dont know why, I think i felt more obligated to know the answer for some reason. Im really weird aren't i? Anyways, I hate Stephen Crane for writing "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky". I did not know what was going on in the story until the ending, that is when i relaized that it was different time settings in each little chapter, and that it was going back and forth. The people were really dull in the story too, so it was not exciting and fun. Love in L.A. was interesting because I can picture a guy trying to pick up a girl to get out of getting in trouble. There are probably people right now that live a life like Jake so it was easy to picture it in my head. I started to read"Lust" and i like it so far, its made me laugh already!! I'm excitied too see if we are going to sit in a circle again! haha

1 comment:

  1. I hate Stephen Crane for many things, Nikki. ::grin:: So you liked the circle? Maybe I'll keep it. I promise to sit next to other people and scare them instead.... ::wink::
