Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Battle With Bronchitis

TODAY WAS SO EMBRASSING! I'm so sorry I had to run out during the presentation, I've been sick for almost two weeks now and have really bad bronchitis. I was coughing the whole time but those breathing exercise really got me, thank god for inhalers! I found the presentation somewhat interesting, I cannot believe that guy never gets sick because he meditates, I'm going to consider doing it because clearly when i get sick it lasts forever and I can't breathe. haha. Adding onto our discussion last week on the "Octomom" (the lady with 14 kids?), I was watching the news this morning and they have on tape some lady in her car screaming at the Octomom across a parking lot "THATS OUR TAX MONEY, STOP TAKING OUT OF MY POCKET!" I don't blame the lady for yelling that, this woman is causing problems in California because she wants to have babies that she cannot finanically support.
I did read the rest of Flannery O'Connor's stories and I really liked them! I got a meaning out of them and saw a lot of signficance. She was really trying to show society it's flaws. In "Good Country People" this so called Christian boy is out of hand. He is a good example that you cannnot trust anyone! However, "Revelation" makes you appreciate who you are and the life that you are given. I feel bad for Mrs. Turpin because she was so friendly to everyone in the doctor's office. Normally, in a doctor's office no one talks to each other. The young girl who called her a an old wart hog from hell is sterotypical. Therefore, I am really anxious to see what the first paper is going to consist of since I see it is going to be about these stories. I'm glad it's about these since I understand them!
I'm going to rest and get better hoping I won't have that obnxious cough next class so I do not disturb the class. Good-Night =)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Flu & Strep Throat

I'm really mad I could not make it to class today, sorry Professor Lauro. I could not get out of bed this morning, I have Flu and Syrep Throat and I have had it since Saturday. I am totally miserable. I liked our Rihanna, Chris Brown, STD, Mother with 16 children, and the Little People talk last Thursday. It was very interesting. However, I do have to disagree with someone saying that disabled peope that get social security for the rest of their lives is NOT stupid! Disabled people require more attention by doctors and most likely take a lot of medication, they do need that extra money espeically if their parents and family cannot afford any of it. I do think the Mother that was pregnant with 8 babies is out of her mind. She is getting all of this support from people's taxes and she is using it for platic surgery so she can look like Angelina Jolie!! SHE IS CRAZY and if she is going to go to that, the money that is being given to her should be cut off.
I did read the South little stories though, it was hard to concentrate on that. I liked how Margaret Walker pointed out in her short story, "The Southern Writier and Race" that a white child in school was taught to regard race and black students were taught to hate themself and to imitate the white man because the white man was the superior race. That stood out to me because I think in the Old South that was considered true. I think that does not take place now because for the most part everyone is treated equal and also because we now have a Black President.
I'm going to see if i can get a head start on Flannery O'Connor's section of the book, i should be better on friday. SEE YOU THEN!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Last class on Tuesday was interesting. I liked how we sat in a circle, it was easier to see my classmates. When i look at someone when they are speaking I feel like i can understand what they are talking about more, so that was easier as well. I was nervous being one of the two people to sit next to you Professor Lauro. I dont know why, I think i felt more obligated to know the answer for some reason. Im really weird aren't i? Anyways, I hate Stephen Crane for writing "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky". I did not know what was going on in the story until the ending, that is when i relaized that it was different time settings in each little chapter, and that it was going back and forth. The people were really dull in the story too, so it was not exciting and fun. Love in L.A. was interesting because I can picture a guy trying to pick up a girl to get out of getting in trouble. There are probably people right now that live a life like Jake so it was easy to picture it in my head. I started to read"Lust" and i like it so far, its made me laugh already!! I'm excitied too see if we are going to sit in a circle again! haha

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Rose for Emily and Killings

I thought "A Rose for Emily" by William faulker very arkward. Miss Emily was known throughout the town even though she was unsocial and locked herself in her house. This story does show a lot of aspects of life though. It shows that people in society are nosey in other people's business because the whole town always wanted to know what she was up to and why she was unsocial. It also shows that people you are close with can have a big impact on your life. I think this because her father kept her in the house and would not let her do anything else, which then caused her to continue to be alone after his death. However, i did like the story "Killings" by Andre Dubus a lot better. I found this story more interesting because i probably watch Law & Order too much and i see a lot of this happening. It is amazing how Matt and Willis were able to come up with a plan to trick Richard Strout so that Matt could get his pay back. I do not sympathize with Richard at all, because he threw away his life when he dropped out of school. I think Richard deserved to be mudered by Matt because he took away a person that meant so much to so many people.