Monday, April 6, 2009

Poetry is Better

I like the poetry section of our book better than the short story section because the short stories were out of hand. I didn't know that I was reading until the end of the story and some pages I had to read over again. Poetry you do have to read the poems twice no matter what, to understand them but they do not go over a page long, well most of them don't. Poetry is so much more simple and to the point. I think poetry is a great way to express one's self and it makes you think. Like some of Julia Alvarez's poems, like "Dusting" made you think of the comparsion of someone's identity to cleaning or house work.
I am not excitied to be going into the drama section of our text book. Everytime I read a play, like in high school, I am lost by the second page. I do not know why but it is hard to follow for me. I liked when in middle school we could read them out loud and act out the different parts, then it was easier to do because once the voice changed you know the character changed. Hopefully Fences and Death of a Salesman won't be too diffcult.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I never have cheated on a test because I'm near sighted and cannot see far without glasses or my contacts. I hardly wear my contacts and don't wear my glasses during a test because it hurts my eyes sometimes, so there goes the option of looking at the person's next to me paper out the window. haha. Anyways, I think most students cheat is because they are stressed out about the grade they are going to get. There have been some friends in the past that I have know that they plagiarised in papers like in high school or western civ classes, they always ended up getting a better grade than me. It makes me wonder how they feel about that, they got a good grade for someone else's accomplishment. I'd rather build my self-esteem as a person. Anyways, back to the GPA. There are soo many students who are pressed by parents, family members, and conselors to get A's in all their classes so they can move on in the Starz program or go to an awesome University after they leave OCC. Therefore, I think students need a little less pressure and they won't find ways to get a good grade, they will do it the way they are suppose to do it.

Some students are lazy but they do not realize that cheating and finding something to use in your paper, or finding someone to write your paper might take longer than them actually writing it. I don't think I would plagarise because I would be scared for a week straight waiting to see if my teacher/professor caught me and it would drive me nuts. Also, when I'm done with my paper I feel a sense of accomplishment, so I would rather do it myself and get a bad grade rather than have a guilty conscience.

I have to add this.
I do observation hours in a classroom at Brick Township High for my Introduction to Teaching class and this girl who is a junior came up to me to ask for advice. She is really smart according to the teacher im observing and she was working on an english project. She had to do an oral presenation on the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel (I think thats who wrote it, I read it last semester) and she was using words like, untolerant, devisating, and other multi-syllabi words. Her friends told her to "dumb-it-down". She wanted to do it because she did not want the class to laugh at her, because she said they always do because she sounds so smart. This is the complete opposite direction than what I just talked about. Things are starting to change and now the smart person gets made fun of? What ever happened to be jealous of the person who gets the highest grade in the class! I told her to keep it smart because one day those people who are laughing at her will ask her for help!